Wednesday, January 11, 2012

3rd Post


Post your comments and the name of the person that I assigned you to judge on his/her page and post your comment here as well as on that person's page. Please point out what his/her is/are missing:

4 posts • 2 externalLinks• 2 images •
Background Design • 2 Comments• Color Contrast—Fontstyle/ Font Color• Each
post 10-15 sentences • Eastern Time Zone•Non-materialsmust deleted


  1. Hi Mrs. Nguyen I did Alans blog Here is the comment:
    Ok Alan you have evrything you need you are ready to go just do not forget to do your wordle ok.

  2. Hi Ms. Nguyen i did kaleah blog. the comment was she did everything she was suppose to do but just need to complete the wordle. (kalya)

  3. Hey Mrs.Nguyen Alan's page has everything and Inar's She had everything it was just to bright hard for me to read.

  4. I posted on Kaleah's page
    I posted: good job. you have all 4 post and everything is in tact.

  5. i did J. Alenjandro's comment: looks good but one of the links weren't right

  6. inari washington and the comment was that she had everything . good job :)

  7. Roberto Sanchez had everything that was required and his web page looks good

  8. Luis Martinez Has Everything And Was Neat

  9. JOHNATHON WILLIAMS has one post so 3 instead of 4
    • 4 posts • 2 external Links
    • 2 images • Background Design • 2 Comments
    • Color Contrast—Font style/ Font Color
    • Each post 10-15 sentences • Eastern Time Zone •Non-materials must deleted

  10. Marvin Neri, Your information and everything else is complete and correct. You just need to add one more image to your profile since you only have one.

  11. Kalya Smith has all the requirements and isn't missing anything.

  12. I did Tierra White.....

    4 posts: Yes
    2 external links:No Only One.
    2 images:Only one but it can't load on my computer.
    Background Design:Yes
    2 Comments:Yes
    Color Contrast-Font Style/Font Color:Color does contrast. You font is clear. and your font color is good for this blog style.
    10-15 Sentences: Yes
    Easter Time Zone: Yes
    -Alan *good job*

  13. I reviewed Santonio Kemp's he needs :

    -Eastern Time

    -Background Design

    -10-15 Sentences

  14. I reviwed Coco's and she needs:

    -All 4 post
    -And her 2 comments on each post

  15. Only 14 people followed direction!
